Supporting Organizations
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." ~ Helen Keller
Below is a list of organizations that Global Midwife Response volunteers have supported or who have contributed to our work:
FreMo Medical and Birth Centre The Fremo Medical and Birth Centre is the home of two beautiful and safe haven for the mothers of the Kawangware and Kaberia slums on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. Here women come to be cared for during pregnancy and birth by kind and compassionate staff with a commitment to safety and respect.
Global Health Media Project Global Health Media Project's mission is to improve health care and health outcomes in resource-poor areas by developing videos that “bring to life” basic health care information known to save lives. Midwife Pilgrim volunteers utilize GHMPs videos in their training programs.
Hope Foundation for Women & Children of Bangladesh The goal of HOPE is to provide vulnerable women and children with the necessary care they need to lead healthy lives, with a particular focus on maternal mortality. HOPE’s pioneering programs work to address the health inequalities in rural areas and to ensure steady transformation towards achieving universal access to critical care.
Lighthouse Relief Our mission is to provide immediate crisis response, as well as long term relief, for the most vulnerable groups, such as women, children, and infants, in a dignified, respectful and empowering way. Our midwives worked with Lighthouse on Lesvos and have supported their work on the mainland Greece.
MedVint MedVint is a non-for profit association with its headquarters in Switzerland. MedVint focuses on placing medical volunteers in locations where refugees and the needy are often forgotten. Midwife Pilgrim has been working with MedVint in Turkey providing comprehensive health care and ensuring reproductive health care is provided to those in need.
Midwifery Society of Nepal (MIDSON) Midwifery Society of Nepal (MIDSON) is the national professional organization representing midwives and the profession of midwifery in Nepal. Midwife Pilgrim supports MIDSON in their mission to educate midwives and improve
Team Kitrinos Team Kitrinos started in Greece in 2016 with the aim of providing medical care to refugees affected by the migrant crisis. Midwife Pilgrim volunteers have served with this dedicated group of medical professionals.
Maison de Naissance Helping Haiti build the future with healthy mothers and healthy babies. MDN was hard hit after Hurricane Matthew. Midwife Pilgrim was able to quickly send midwifery support so that women in this area were able to continue care.
Olive Tree Projects Olive Tree Projects was created to help children in Haiti. We believe that mothers and families are the best providers for their children. Maternal mortality, unwanted children, and poverty are all reasons why children end up in orphanages. Our goal is to prevent the need for orphanages and keep children in a family. Midwife Pilgrim supports the work of OTP and our midwives assist with their needs including education and mentorship.
Nurture Project International Nurture Project International is committed to ensuring special protection for the most vulnerable women and children – victims of war, disasters, extreme poverty, all forms of violence and exploitation, and those with disabilities. Their focus on nutritional needs and infant feeding has made a huge impact on women refugees.
SOS Humanity SOS Humanity strives for a world in which the human rights of all are respected. SOS Humanity stands for humanity at sea and on land.We have been operating in the central Mediterranean since 2016 and as of 2021 have been able to rescue 34,631 children, women, and men from drowning. We will continue to rescue people from distress, protect and assist them, document their stories, and highlight the consequences of the EU´s inhumane migration policy.
Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) is a nonpolitical, nonprofit medical relief organization that is working on the front lines of crisis relief in Syria and neighboring countries to alleviate suffering and save lives. SAMS proudly provides medical care and treatment to every patient in need. Midwife Pilgrim has been collaborating with SAMS in Greece to ensure reproductive health is a focus of their work. We have also had volunteers join SAMS team in Jordan and Lebanon.
Global Health Media Project Global Health Media Project's mission is to improve health care and health outcomes in resource-poor areas by developing videos that “bring to life” basic health care information known to save lives. Midwife Pilgrim volunteers utilize GHMPs videos in their training programs.
Hope Foundation for Women & Children of Bangladesh The goal of HOPE is to provide vulnerable women and children with the necessary care they need to lead healthy lives, with a particular focus on maternal mortality. HOPE’s pioneering programs work to address the health inequalities in rural areas and to ensure steady transformation towards achieving universal access to critical care.
Lighthouse Relief Our mission is to provide immediate crisis response, as well as long term relief, for the most vulnerable groups, such as women, children, and infants, in a dignified, respectful and empowering way. Our midwives worked with Lighthouse on Lesvos and have supported their work on the mainland Greece.
MedVint MedVint is a non-for profit association with its headquarters in Switzerland. MedVint focuses on placing medical volunteers in locations where refugees and the needy are often forgotten. Midwife Pilgrim has been working with MedVint in Turkey providing comprehensive health care and ensuring reproductive health care is provided to those in need.
Midwifery Society of Nepal (MIDSON) Midwifery Society of Nepal (MIDSON) is the national professional organization representing midwives and the profession of midwifery in Nepal. Midwife Pilgrim supports MIDSON in their mission to educate midwives and improve
Team Kitrinos Team Kitrinos started in Greece in 2016 with the aim of providing medical care to refugees affected by the migrant crisis. Midwife Pilgrim volunteers have served with this dedicated group of medical professionals.
Maison de Naissance Helping Haiti build the future with healthy mothers and healthy babies. MDN was hard hit after Hurricane Matthew. Midwife Pilgrim was able to quickly send midwifery support so that women in this area were able to continue care.
Olive Tree Projects Olive Tree Projects was created to help children in Haiti. We believe that mothers and families are the best providers for their children. Maternal mortality, unwanted children, and poverty are all reasons why children end up in orphanages. Our goal is to prevent the need for orphanages and keep children in a family. Midwife Pilgrim supports the work of OTP and our midwives assist with their needs including education and mentorship.
Nurture Project International Nurture Project International is committed to ensuring special protection for the most vulnerable women and children – victims of war, disasters, extreme poverty, all forms of violence and exploitation, and those with disabilities. Their focus on nutritional needs and infant feeding has made a huge impact on women refugees.
SOS Humanity SOS Humanity strives for a world in which the human rights of all are respected. SOS Humanity stands for humanity at sea and on land.We have been operating in the central Mediterranean since 2016 and as of 2021 have been able to rescue 34,631 children, women, and men from drowning. We will continue to rescue people from distress, protect and assist them, document their stories, and highlight the consequences of the EU´s inhumane migration policy.
Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) is a nonpolitical, nonprofit medical relief organization that is working on the front lines of crisis relief in Syria and neighboring countries to alleviate suffering and save lives. SAMS proudly provides medical care and treatment to every patient in need. Midwife Pilgrim has been collaborating with SAMS in Greece to ensure reproductive health is a focus of their work. We have also had volunteers join SAMS team in Jordan and Lebanon.
Thank you for the generous support from these businesses!

New Morrow Solutions
Graphic Art

Donations made by check should be made payable to "Global Midwife Response" and sent to:
600 Elm Street, Montpelier VT 05602:
All donations are 100% tax-deductible as provided by law of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.